In the News
Two Comox Valley seniors aim to raise $1 million by walking 2,000 kilometres
Comox Valley Record - July 21, 2022
Experienced distance walkers Kim Letson and Pat Gould of the Comox Valley are preparing to embark on a 2,000-kilometre walk from Canterbury to Rome.
With a goal of raising $1 million for Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) humanitarian relief programs, they are set to begin their walk on 24 August and anticipate arriving in Rome by late November.
Read the full story here.
The Artisanal Writer - September 2021
The Artisanal Writer is an online journal about the craft of writing and reading. It explores what makes great writing, how great writing happens and how writers we love to read, make great writing happen.

Comox Valley Writers Society Newsletter - September 2021
My Book Journey as an Independent Author/ Publisher
When I started writing Pomegranates at 4800 Metres, I thought writing a book meant sit, write, publish. I had no trouble with sitting and writing. The rest not so much.
McLoughlin Gardens
Artist in Residence Program
A peaceful Artist-in-Residence week in August saw me through an undisturbed final reading of In the Footsteps of a Roman Legion. It was an honour to work in the company of glorious sunrises, scampering bunnies, cavorting seals, and flights of Canada geese sorting out their flight order.
Explore The McLoughlin Gardens.

Comox Valley Record - November 2020

Doctors Without Borders - Sept 2016
Pat Gould and Kim Letson are not ones to shy away from a challenge, and this fall they’ve decided to take on yet another. From September to October, the two friends from the Comox Valley in British Columbia will be walking through three countries along the 1,000-kilometre Via Egnatia route in southeastern Europe to raise funds for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)’s annual Walk Without Borders challenge.