“Oh, I loved your book so much, I loaned it to a friend, and she just loved it too.”
It is always gratifying when readers buy one of our titles and then tell us how much they enjoyed the fruits of our considerable labour. What is less satisfying is how few people take the time to rate a book or write a review. Starred ratings and thoughtful reviews drive sales. We really need them. But few readers think about this or take the time. In the Comox Valley Writers’ Society, we have a committee devoted to encouraging members to write reviews because not even authors always write them for each other. I’m at fault too. I finish reading a great book, I tell my friends how much I enjoyed it, I loan it, then carry on to another read. It is quite thoughtless when I think about it. Our social norm is to tip the server who brings us a hamburger and fries, but we don’t star books that have entertained us for hours and that someone might have taken years to write. Gee. What’s the matter with that picture?
Maybe you’re now feeling just a wee bit guilty. I know I am. It’s my guilt and shame that has prompted me to write this piece. Would you now like to rate or write a review of the book you just finished? Maybe you don’t know where or how to do this. Maybe you think it will be too arduous. You’re a reader after all, not a review writer. Let’s see if I can convince us both to mend our ways.
Goodreads and Amazon are popular review platforms. Unless you have an Amazon account you can’t access that forum, so let’s leave that can of worms alone. Some authors don’t even like the soulless Amazon giant because it sucks profits and threatens the independent bookshops who support us.
What about Goodreads? An affiliate of Amazon, it calls itself the world's largest site providing book recommendations to help readers find and share books they love. For Goodreads you also need an account, but it’s an innocuous membership without strings attached. I’ve had a Goodreads account for several years with no discernible downside. It’s much less intrusive on my time and attention than Facebook, Instagram or Twitter-now-X. If you enjoy reading, it is a great platform to discover new titles.
You will see the options for how to sign up for an account at www.goodreads.com on the home page. Check out this blog’s screen-shot image – there are your choices: Continue with Amazon, Continue with Apple, Continue with Facebook or Signup with Email. Click the method you like and create your account. To be clear, you do not need an Amazon or Facebook or Apple account to sign up for Goodreads.
You will then see a search bar on the Goodread’s home page where you type in a book title. Next, you see a place where you can rate the book by clicking on one to five stars. Hint – authors like the five-star option.
Having done that, you might want to stop there, but you’re given the option of also writing a review.
“Oh my gosh what would I write?” you may wonder.
If you are new to this, keep it simple. One or two short sentences are all you need. You do not need to be profound, original or a literary genius. Here are a few examples to get you on the path:
Couldn’t put it down.
A Page turner.
You might use words like gripping, thrilling, poignant, funny, compelling, thought-provoking, lyrical, vibrant, well-written, informative, offers unique perspective.
Tie it all together: I couldn’t put down this well-written, compelling book about an adventurous romp across the Balkans.
Word to the wise – don’t write something like, “I was so sad and surprised when the hero died at the end.” Yikes – you just killed the mystery for every other reader. You could write, “The ending saddened and shocked me.” Now you have people curious. Why was that reviewer sad and shocked? You have enticed them to dash off and buy the book.
Ah – the power of a great review – invite other readers to enjoy the book as much as you did.
There are other places to review books. I’m not an expert in this realm so if you have insights to share, please subscribe to this blog and post your comments. For mysterious reasons – beyond my comprehension – this website platform is set up so that you have to be a subscriber in order to comment. I promise – there are no strings attached.
Do I have an ulterior motive to this blog post? Of course. I hope to see the ratings and review numbers for my titles climb – and you now have ability to help with that. Thank you in advance. Please, keep spreading the joy. You have the power to promote the work of all the authors you enjoy reading.

A very timely post...much enjoyed...